Trust Intelligence


Trust Intelligence aims to save you time, be better prepared and have a competitive edge regarding eIDAS Trust Services and identity. Trust intelligence will bring information to you about legislation changes, updates to standards, new standardization and what is happening in the eIDAS trust services and identity space in a way that allows you to easily see what has impact on you and what not.

If you want a demo, please contact us via 

Service offered 

You will receive access to our Trust Intelligence portal that contains

  • Reporting on the evolution in the Trust Services sector (mainly what happens in ETSI and CEN / CENELEC, new standards, what direction that standardisation is going to)
  • For new versions of ETSI standards published: 
  • A summary of the changes that are applied in the new version. This will allow to quickly assess if the changes affect your existing solution or not.
  • List of the clause numbers where changes were applied. This way you do not have to go through the whole standard, but you can just look at the changed clauses.
  • Ad Hoc newsworthy information 

The portal is completed with the eIDAS map. This a powerful mind map that allows you to easily search and find the relation between the different standards and trust services concepts and link to the text of the standards. The search functionality of the eIDAS map is a real timesaver: If in a conversation or a text a reference is made by standard numbering. A few characters in the search bar, and you immediately know what standard is concerned.  

In order to make sure that you do not need to search what has changed, we send out a weekly newsletter that contains all the changes of the past week.

Topics covered

  • General information
  • Identity proofing
  • Cryptographic suites
  • Conformity Assessment
  • Evolution of post quantum cryptography
  • Trusted Lists
  • Certificates  
  • EU Identity wallets 

  • Attestations of attributes
  • Signature Creation and Validation, including the different signature formats (PAdES, XAdES , CAdES, JAdES, CBOR AdES and ASiC)
  • Timestamping service
  • RQSCD Management (Server Signing Application)
  • Electronic Identification Means
  • Delivery services 

How does that look like?

Have a look at the video:

Or if you prefer reading about it:

On the main page we have some generally useful information: 

a number of links to interesting sources of information
a number of links to interesting sources of information
A list of upcoming events that can be interesting
A list of upcoming events that can be interesting
A list of upcoming events that can be interesting
A list of upcoming events that can be interesting

The portal further has several topic pages to which customers can subscribe: General (for all TSPs), Certificates, (Q)EAA, EUDIW, Signature Creation & Validation, (Q)ERDS, Timestamps, RQSCD and preservation. For each topic we will list: 

Legislation regarding the topic
Legislation regarding the topic
The standards related to that topic with for each standard an overview of the currently latest published version and information about the status of the update in progress if any
The standards related to that topic with for each standard an overview of the currently latest published version and information about the status of the update in progress if any
Some technical information
Some technical information
And let’s not forget some good gossip. But sssjjjjjj, we did not tell you! 😉
And let’s not forget some good gossip. But sssjjjjjj, we did not tell you! 😉

From the portal we link directly to our eIDAS map in a tool called TheBrain. In this tool we have gathered all relevant standards and many concepts and have linked them with each other.

Clicking on one of the standards changes the view to the perspective of the selected standard or concept.
Clicking on one of the standards changes the view to the perspective of the selected standard or concept.
In the pane in the right hand, you get more information about the selected standard or concept. From there you can easily open the published PDF version of the standard and you can immediately open the details on the Trust Intelligence Portal.
In the pane in the right hand, you get more information about the selected standard or concept. From there you can easily open the published PDF version of the standard and you can immediately open the details on the Trust Intelligence Portal.
The search functionality of the eIDAS map is a real timesaver: If in a conversation or a text a reference is made by standard numbering. A few characters in the search bar, and you immediately know what standard is concerned.
The search functionality of the eIDAS map is a real timesaver: If in a conversation or a text a reference is made by standard numbering. A few characters in the search bar, and you immediately know what standard is concerned.

Every week, you get a mail that will list the modifications that were made on the TI Portal linking directly to the section concerned to make your life easy.

If you would like to have more information about Trust Intelligence or a Teams call with a small demonstration, do not hesitate to reach out to us at